New Regional Guide Available!

The Plant Southern Piedmont Natives Campaign is excited to share it’s new guide to plants in our region!

“Native Plants for the Southern Piedmont of Virginia” highlights approximately 300 of the native plants found in most of the counties and cities of the Southern Piedmont.

The guide is currently only available for download. Printed copies will be available later this summer. Instructions on how to acquire a hardcopy will be posted to this webpage.

View and download the guide (PDF 31MB)

(NOTE: Due to the size of this file, it is housed and downloadable via a shared google drive link. If you have difficulty opening the file, please contact the website administrator.)

Download Southern Piedmont Plant Lists (PDF):

Southern Piedmont Tree List

Southern Piedmont Shrub List

Southern Piedmont Forb List

Southern Piedmont Fern List

Southern Piedmont Graminoid List

Southern Piedmont Vine List

About the banner: Rudbeckia Hurta, commonly known as the Black-eyed Susan, is a native biennial. It is the host plant for 20 species of butterflies and moths, including the Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis). Photo by Kathy Fell.